Becoming a freelance writer can cause some really awesome times. Last night I got to hang out with a really talented local punk band. I won't put their name here because they are planning a surprise benefit concert...and we don't want to let the cat out of the bag. Additionally, I was given a free t-shirt and a free copy of their CD. We sat outside to finish the interview because the venue was freezing. Some people saw them interviewing with me and saw me with a others started buying their shirts. I'm not saying that was because of me at all...I'm just saying that if you are a musician...have a friend or a writer go with you and have them get some of your goods in front of others. We all love to buy, but no one likes to be sold. That action may create a freedom in people to start buying your stuff. The interview for the band will eventually appear here. It will most likely be after the benefit show.
Two other great bands played as well. I've heard The Costanzas play several times. I wanted to stay and watch Against the Grain...but by then, I was very tired. That's one of the worst parts about having a heart problem. I can get tired quite fast. On the other hand, being that tired seemed to fix my chronic insomnia for at least one night. I didn't wake up until about 9 this morning. Usually I start working by 8 am. Eek...or yay. I haven't decided yet.
I don't understand why everyone wants to be a travel writer. I guess I'd have to like to travel for that, huh? I really enjoy interviewing people involved in the creative in music, art, or anything. I love being able to delve into who they are and what makes them so unique. It's absolutely amazing. That being said...I may start a small series here about becoming a travel writer. I've done a little bit of it...I just prefer to indulge in other avenues. Yeah, I'm that hermit that generally stays home.
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Play nice...the hand that feeds you can also choke you.